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Outdoor advertising is one of the types of advertising where businesses and brands use different advertising tools to attract potential customers from a specific geographical location outside the home. It is also known as Out-of-home media(ooh media).
How do people get to know about the product and services?
Companies and brands put efforts into the promotion of their products through modern methods. Although, outdoor advertising has its traditional static tools. But now, with technology and its advancements, different digital means are used for out-of-home advertising. It can boost the sales of products. In turn, it increases the leads of a company in a marketplace.
Technology not only levels up the competition but is also the reason for more creativity in individuals.

Outdoor ads use for repetitive advertising that leads to service familiarity, brand awareness, broad messages, brands campaigns, and more!

To have a complete understanding of the types of outdoor media before starting any campaign is a must. In this critical condition, companies and brands have to make the right choice according to the trends. If they are not following already existing norms, then they have to set new trends. It is not difficult for those who love to add the flavor of innovations and creativity in their ads. That is how they will get a chance of notice by the local people and gain more audience overseas.

Here are some significant outdoor advertising examples that most companies and brands use to create a call to action.

Billboard Advertising

Billboard advertising is one of the most attractive ways to advertising the services and products of a brand. It started from 19 century as giant posters and became the most popular advertising medium till now. With time, a lot of changes occurred. And, the evolution of creativity happened in the advertising industry as well.

Billboards attract almost 70% of the potential consumers from 100% of advertisements. Most people are fascinated by these billboards while walking or moving in vehicles. When people are on the roads, they make most of their purchasing decisions out-of-home. Billboards adjust in high-traffic areas. Charges on these billboards vary and base on city area, demographic location, and traffic.
Based on the variety of formats used in billboards, there are different types of billboard advertising.

Static Billboards
These are the billboard ads that you usually see on the roadside as well-designed giant posters.

Digital Billboards
It is one of the modern billboard advertising examples. With modernization, the LED screen is the new trendy force that raises brand awareness. LED screen is a considerable opportunity for providing animated ads with the bold format. It is also providing a simple yet attractive message.

Mobile Billboards
mobile billboards are another type of billboards in which business provide their information through ads on cars, buses, and other vehicles.

Have you ever seen a train or a bus having ads on it? If yes, then these were the mobile advertisements. It is one of the tactics to gain the attention of the crowd.

Retail Advertising

Retail Advertising is also the most successful and popular kind of advertising where the purpose of the ad is to persuade the consumers to buy services and products instantly. It usually takes place near any retail environment such as shopping malls and stores. These are more than simple printed ads and leave a fun and lasting impression on the minds of buyers.

Retail adverts present in spacious places for displaying, and they also promote business in a decent environment. Retail advertising has variety in it. They are sometimes on the lift, floors, doors, roof, and windows of the shopping centers.

Lift Adverts.
Lift adverts adhere to the lift in the malls and centers where convinced consumers are already present for shopping. This type of retail advertisement is the best for the regular used services and products.

Advertisement on the storefront lets more purchasing as people stop to see the ads of sales. They also read promotions before entering the store.

Mall Media
Mall media includes windows, floors, roofs for the adverts in the ample space of the shopping center.

Point of Sale Advertising

Point of sale is a compelling way to lure impulsive customers. The principal purpose of this type of outdoor advertisement is to target those who are just purchasing in the market. Point of sale is like an open buying suggestion for the people who are in centers and shops. You maybe have seen that most women do their 20-30% extra shopping through the point of sale adverts.
Another benefit of the point of sale adverts is the promotion of sale campaigns and discounts. Discounts and sale pressurize consumers to buy at a stroke before the sale end.

Billing Corner
Tangible products are present around the billing corner for last-minute effortless purchases. Sometimes, people wait in line for their turn. At that time, they are free to look around. Here comes a POS advert that catches the eye of buyers. They make up their mind to buy the products straight away.

Checkout points and clothes stores have POP advertisements to allow the consumers to make a purchase.

Guerilla Marketing

Guerilla marketing is the most creative and cost-effective advertisement technique that lets the consumers know about the brand and products innovatively. In guerilla marketing, businesses have to optimize their product to achieve conventional results. It requires less cost and more energy for a business marketing strategy.

The competition between different businesses arises in the market. So, every brands or company use the expensive tactic for their promotion and success. Sometimes, it wasted a lot of money and time. Here comes Gurellia’s marketing as a rescue for the business. It is an original, artistic way to revive failing businesses.

Guerilla marketing examples are also unique and full of vibrant tools. Here are few leads of the guerilla marketing

Stealth Marketing
It is a tactic in which brands or companies hire top actors, models, and musicians to promote their products. Have you ever seen any products of brands in films and movies? These products used in films or movies are also one creative way to promote their brand.

Graffiti Artwork
Brands and businesses used small, inspiring artwork to attract consumers. The beauty of the graphics is advantageous to penetrate the market.

Animation and Stickers
They enhance the view time of a brand. Young persons are more fond of this type of advertising strategy. They love to see cute stickers and HD animation of products.

Street Furniture

Advertisements through different items present in the street and roads are also examples of outdoor advertisements.
Advertisement through street furniture helps to reach more potential consumers. It is a cost-effective and high-frequency method. It targets pedestrians, motorists, and commuters that are mostly local people. Street furniture advertisement is effective in crowded and urban places. They are closest to the eye as compared to other outdoor advertising types.

Transit Shelter
Advertisement displays over the shelters present in the street and roads.

Kiosks and Newsstands
Typically, they are stand-alone booths that target pedestrian and vehicular traffic. They provide contrasting news and business information regarding education, entertainment, and a lot of other topics.

Street poles Advertising
One of the substantial cost-effective methods to target a large audience is street pole advertising. Banners ads or statics ads display on these poles to have massive exposure.

Urban Pannels
It is also a form of static advertising where ads will display at the entrance and exit points. They are used to target usually local commutators and pedestrians.

In short, outdoor advertising ideas that include banner ads and other types of outdoor media are functional according to the requirements and goals of the brand. Every medium has its unique features and serves different functions. Cost on medium and advertisements also vary from one ad to another and medium to medium. Out-of-home advertising techniques increase the reach of a brand and generate massive sales. But, to select the suitable media of advertisements for promotion, one should keep business objectives in mind.

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